how to bravely market your magic

I typically pull an oracle card each morning while I’m enjoying my coffee. It is something that helps me get my day off to a great start and gives me something to think about throughout the day. Today’s card, from the Sacred Creator’s Oracle deck, was “Bravely Market Your Magic”.

Marketing myself is always something I’ve struggled with, so this was a great reminder. I feel like so many of us find it difficult to let the world know about what we do, let alone charge for it. So let’s talk about how marketing your magic is worth so much more than what’s in your bank account.

Your Purpose
By sharing your unique gifts, you are living your purpose. You were given these gifts for a reason. By keeping them to yourself, you’re not only denying the world what only you can offer, but you’re sending a “return to sender” letter to the Universe rejecting what has been lovingly given to you.

The World Needs Your Magic
If you knew that someone was waking up in the middle of the night every night praying for what you can offer, would you ignore them? Of course you wouldn’t. You would help them. Know that there is that someone out there and they need you desperately.

It’s Ok to Charge What You’re Worth
I can’t begin to tell you how many times in the beginning I said, “no that’s ok, this one’s on me.” or “you’re my friend, I could never charge you.”

The truth is, I was afraid to charge thinking no one would pay for someone to read their cards, especially me. Hello limiting beliefs! That was me not knowing my worth. Not believing I could make a living charging for my services. When I finally did start charging, I was way undervaluing what I was worth, while over-delivering.

Money is simply a form of energy. When a service is given, an energy exchange must occur to keep things in balance. Once I realized that and shifted my mindset, everything changed. I raised my prices, hesitantly at first, but later realized the value of my time and what I was offering. I even had a client tell me she was glad to see I raised my prices because she thought I was undervaluing myself by charging so little.

Sacred Marketing
Marketing doesn’t have to be sales pitchy or constantly bombarding people with messages about how they should book with you. Sacred marketing is all about being authentically you. It’s about sharing yourself with the world and shining your light. Those who are attracted to that light will buy from you. There’s no need to be pushy when you’re in the Divine Flow. Here are a few ways to practice sacred marketing:

  • Share photos of what you do and talk about the process

  • Share testimonials from happy clients

  • Be helpful by sharing tips and tools to help others on their journey

  • Be inspiring by encouraging others and spreading positive messages

By bravely shining your light, you’re letting others know it’s safe to shine theirs too. So market your magic, dear one! You are loved and so needed in this world!


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