The Power of crystal spheres
Crystal spheres have become my favorite shape of crystal to work with. I started collecting them about a year ago (pictured are just a few of my spheres). They’ve become not only beautiful display pieces, but also powerful allies in my crystal healing work and my own personal work with stones.
Spheres in general, represent completion and wholeness. They can indicate infinite energy in motion, abundance and harmony. Now imagine adding in crystal energy to the mix and you have something that holds immense power and potential.
I love working with spheres, particularly in gridwork, because they send out energy in every direction. This is wonderful when doing grids for universal energy or when trying to send loving energy during times of crisis in the world. So, besides grids, how else can you work with crystal spheres? I’ve listed a few ideas below, but experiment and find what works for you!
Working With the Moon
I have a selenite sphere that I love to use when I work with moon energy (you don’t have to use Selenite). During a full moon, you can write down your intentions, and place them underneath the sphere on your altar, during a full moon ritual, or in a crystal grid. Obviously the full moon is a sphere so using a sphere to harness that energy is very powerful.
Spheres are great to use during meditation. Again, they send energy in all directions, so they work perfectly when you’re sending intentions out into the universe. They are also comfortable to hold, and fit comfortably in your hands.
Feng Shui
Using crystals of all kinds in the home is a wonderful way to direct energy and keep the vibe high. Spheres work perfectly for this purpose, not only because they send energy out in all directions, but because their shape neutralizes the energy of a room, and creates a peaceful, harmonious environment.
Throughout the ages, mystics have used spheres to scry or gaze for divination. By clearing your thoughts and gazing into the ball, your subconscious can be free to give you information about a particular subject. Set your intentions, and give it a try. *Note, the sphere you use for scrying does not necessarily need to be the stereotypical clear “crystal ball”. Black Obsidian, Rose Quartz or any crystal sphere with a super-shiny, mirror-like surface will work just fine. Keep a notebook or journal nearby to write down any thoughts, impressions or information you received during the session.
Spheres are extremely versatile and come in endless varieties of crystals, and in many different sizes. Depending on the type of crystal, some may be more expensive than others. They are great to have around for so many reasons. As you can see, I’m kind of a sphere addict. They’re beautiful additions to my crystal collection and I love to use and admire them!
Do you work with crystal spheres? I’d love to know what your experience is with them in the comments!